November 26th, 2023 - FULBECK - THE HOME OF 4 STRIDES
For what has been a phenomenal season, the final event of 2023 was upon us and we wanted to end on a high !
Fortunately the weather was on our side yet again and dispite being sandwiched between wet and cold days, the race day was bright and sunny if a little crisp too.
Plenty of points up for grabs meaning some national league tables have come right down to the wire. Who will lift the trophies in barely 2 weeks time ? Make sure you have your ticket for the Christmas Awards on December 10th.
Once again to be so far into the end of the season, it was great to see so many fresh faces and riders who have definetly caught the 'barrel bug'
Katie is one of those who has caught the 'barrel bug' and was attending the second show in succession with big visions for 2024 already. Eva brought along Harvey who had some 'GPS' problems on the barrel pattern and struggled to get his naughty pony round the barrels.
Emma is getting faster and dipped into the 19 second bracket at what is only her 3rd event. Well done.
Freya was another first timer who did brilliantly and, as has been the case all year, rosette honours were pretty evenly split come the end of the event.
Newest team rider, Ryleigh, rode well after becoming unseated and tumbling to the sand on his very first run, the rest were fast and consistant and he his hopeful of some awards come December.
Hannah riding Bean, was in the running for the Poles award and made sure she put in some very good times. Was it good enough ? Once the points have been verified and checked then all will be revealed at the award ceremony.
Jenni also rode well and continued her progression throughout the year. Now cantering consisitant times on whisky while perfecting technique and constantly building confidence. Well done Jenni.
Sarah attended just for the racing amd after a couple of hair raising runs, Alfie settled down into a rhythm and she bagged the fastest barrl time of the day.
Just 1 left to mention and that is regular team riders Susi & Greg's son Rupert. After watching on from the sidelines for 2 years, Rupert was finally let loose on BeBe and he did superbly ! Great times in both poles and barrels meant he walked away with his first ever rosettes !
We are back mid January and the diary will be published shortly. In the mean time, membership is now available for 2024 and can be purchased straight from the website.
George was here snapping away with his camera and his shots from the day can be seen and purchased HERE

November 12th, 2023 - BISHOP BURTON COLLEGE
Back to Bishop Burton Agriculture College for our 3rd trip to Yorkshire in 2023 and back to a larger arena to where we visited of the previous 2 events in Yorkshire.
The number of riders was on the lighter side due to illness or exhasution from the trip to the US but that didnt stop a clinic of 4 new comers to the sport and 3 regulars.
Eloisa was riding Fleur for the first time at a barrel event and the first time indoors, the introduction went succesfully and although not the quickest of times, it did show promise of being a great barrel horse next season. Eloisa also grabbed best dressed cowgirl award. Anna was riding a loan horse (Berry) as Echo has been out of action and cleaned the board with 6 class wins out of 6 aswel as the fastest barrel time of the day and fastest pole time also.
Tillie attended Yorkshire and ran brilliantly on Friday (horses name) in her new western saddle. She was hovering around the top 3 but not quite able to break into the rosette places until the under 14hh class. Running 3 times, she got quicker on every run until she nabbed the 1st with a run just 1 tenth faster and her first 1st place rosette.
Ava came along with Tillie and it seemed her horse Maya took one glance at the cowgirls and thought it was the bronc horse rodeo ! Luckily this young cowgirl rode it out anda quick tack change had her completing the barrel pattern in a more controlled manner ! Helen rode incredibly well on Lilly and clocked a couple of 1st places on her first time out barrel racing. She had great fun and hopefully we will see her again.
Finally Becky and Laura, both took to barrels incredibly well. Great big smiles all round for the pair and a good split of rosettes between the two of them.
A very good dayy all round with a great record that not 1 single penalty was issued for knocking a barrel over ! Great skills.
We are back in Yorkshire in January and full calendar will be released soon.
No change on either hi point tables as new riders and new rider and horse combos saw the tail end of the tables only altered. Check the updated tables below and you can see all the times and points from the day on the results tab.

October 22nd, 2023 - 4 STRIDES - FULBECK
Storm Babet had been battering the UK but the break in the dull and wet conditions was of great reflief to the riders and supporters for what turned out to be another sunny, warm day. We are forever thankful for the British weather seemingly parting for our barrel events.
Only 2 events left now for 2023, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire (both in November). Head to the clinic booking page to get booked in now.
Thank you to all the riders who attended and especially to Katie who was experiencing what we offer for her first time, she has already been hooked and enquiring over next years camp already ! (Dates released later in November)
Although not their first time, Emma and Ava also attended and had a great day training and racing against the clock.
Regular team riders had their final dose of barrel racing before heading to the USA on Saturday for the NBHA Open World. If you are interested in representing the UK and 4 Strides Barrel Racing on next years world event, please enquire with Sally now. Team member places are available for 2024.
Down to the action and the times for the day were sublime, the combination of the wet arena and warm day made for some quick times, Sarah smashed her PB and Mark ran away with his fastest Lincolnshire time of the year and fastest of the day with a 18.2.
Mary bagged the fastest poles award with a 21.731 and closed the gap on Hannah & Greg at the top of the table. 13 points now seperate the top 3 with 2 events left and its all to play for. Hannah amassed 7 points in poles to keep her title hopes alive too.
After already bagging the Hi Point for barrels months ago, Michelle again ran consistent 18 second times and put some serious points on the board.
Jenni was another who broke her Lincolnshire PB in barrels. Well done and thank you to loaning Anna your pony for her to ride while Echo is away from action.
Up to date league tables are as below.

The third and final visit of 2023 to what has proven to be an extremely popular venue in Herefordshire. Next years dates are already booked and will be released in due course but thank you to everyone who came along in 2023 to learn barrel racing and run against the clock.
The fabulous arena looked perfect in the 3 degree temperature when we arrived, the sun breaking through the early mist and the promise of a warmer day to come ! The weather certainly didnt disappoint and a sunny warm day was very welcoming.
As mentioned the arena was perfect, the barrels were measured and on his last barrels day of 2023, Greg smashed in a new arena and UK record of a 16.865 ! The hard work, clinics , 1-2-1 lessons and dedication have really paid off for Greg in 2023 and that time will take some beating in 2024. I think we can all clap our hands and don our caps as we say 'Well Done Greg'
So with greg smashing it out the park to take the fastest barrel time, 2 more mentions to Jenni and Mary who also obliterated their own PB's.Well done you two also.
The racing was great and we were treated to the young riders William & Harry on their tiny little ponies, they both did the clinics and some racing too. Abigail rode two of her horses and did great for her first time. Lilly and Holly came for the 3rd event in Hereford and are showing signs of improvement. Great Job !
Completet first timers Charlotte and Helen took some rosettes home for some great placings as did Grace, Amelia & Matilda.
The fastest poles of the day was won by Greg and although Susi was presented with the Hi Point Trophy, it has come to light in processing the results that an error occured and the actual Hi Point winner is Mary with 36 points.
The barrel table is sewn up with Michelle adding even more points to her huge 2023 points haul. But the poles is a little more interesting.... with a possible 3 events left and a maximum 36 points to win, any of Greg (111) Hannah (95) or Mary (88) can bag top honours !
Again thank you to all who attended Hereford in 2023 and made it a great success and of course thank you to Nicky for inviting us down and to Janette for being a huge cheerleader for us in Wales.

September 30th, 2023 - FULBECK - THE HOME OF 4 STRIDES
A rare barrel date in Fulbeck on a Saturday ! Due to the Barrel Display Team performing at Lincs Horse Live on the Sunday, we had our September clinics and show at Fulbeck on Saturday. A great time to welcome new riders Anita, Michelle & Penny, as usual our regular riders made them all feel very welcome and they were able to use their training clinic knowledge to great effect in the afternoon racing and all go home with rosettes and even some prize money !
The barrels Hi Point is more or less wrapped up so there wasnt as much point chasing as usual, although the runners up spots are closely contested with 4 riders all having a chance of being 2nd !
The poles are a lot more open, we have a new leader ( Greg overtaking Hannah) but by barely 4 points and Mary still with a mathematical chance.
The racing was great on Saturday, a few PB's were set and the competition immense, just 2 tenths of a second seperated 1st 2nd and 3rd in the international class and that was after the average of 3 runs per rider. Insanely close.
A special mention in this write up though for Ryleigh, riding Willow for the final time before switching to his new steed, the young Ryleigh fought off great competition and bagged his first ever Hi Point Trophy ! Well done.
Another special mention to Sarah who popped by for some racing, and not only leaving with a few placing rosettes but also the best dressed award for the day !
We like to encourage the western attire and having this prize this year has certainly made people up their games !
Into the tail end of the season now, just a few events left starting with Hereford in 2 weeks then back in Lincolnshire on the 22nd and Yorkshire in mid November.
Its truely been a fast and frantic year and we are looking forward to welcoming our members at the annual prize giving dinner on December 10th.
Take a look at the resluts and times from the day along with the update Hi Point Tables.
George was back with a new camera and his photos can be seen and purchased HERE

September 17th, 2023 - ROADES FIBRE SURFACES
Our final visit of the year to Northamptonshire. This venue has proven to be very popular this year and we will endeavour to get the diary together and book next years events very shortly but in the mean time, thank you for your support at Northampton.
A group of regular riders and a group of newcomers in the clinics made for some great entertainment in the afternoon. Eva and Nora rode brilliantly for their first attempt and Eva seemed to take away the bragging rights between her and her friends.
Lizzie and dad Phil also rode well in both the clinics and the competition and consistently got quicker times as the day went on.
Greg, Susi, Hannah, Michelle and Sarah all attended straight from the AQHA show the day prior, and completed a full weekend of Barrel Racing. Greg popped in the fastest barrels and poles times and ran a limited number of classes but was well beaten in the Hi Point Trophy by Mary, who consistently got maximum or close to maximum points in every class.
Michelle continued her charge towards the Hi Point trophy and it is probably time to make some space on the fireplace for it Michelle, as barring a complete miracle, it looks destined to head to Michelles home.
Pippa won the best dressed award of the day and in my eyes the year ! She looked great in chaps, a western shirt, jeans, a neckerchief, custom hat and boots. But the amazing cowboy boot and stetson clipped into the hind of her pony 'Casper' was just mesmerising and all credit to mum Danielle !
Hannah rode only in the poles and maintained a narrow lead at the top of the points table by just 2 points and Mary just 7 behind that. All to play for still !

A short hop across to Derbyshire for the first event in the county for a few years. We really want to get the barrel racing up and raring to go so although numbers were on the lower side, we still attended and put on a great day for the riders. We are looking to having 3 dates next year in Derbyshire so register your interest now !
A warm welcome was given to complete newbies Darcy & Sharon along with team riders Greg, Hannah & Michelle and Ryleigh representing the youngsters !
The rosettes were shared out pretty evenly and all riders bagged at least a couple. The jackpot race was 2 divisions and both Michelle & Sharon rode away with the cash. Well done both.
As we get towards the end of the season, there is a runaway leader in the Hi point table and barring any disastrous events, Michelle has amassed nearly double the points of the current runner up ! She really has put in the mileage and travelled around the UK, attending Hereford, Devon, Derby, Lincoln, Yorkshire and more !
The poles is a lot tighter and 3 points separate the leaders. Still all to play for.
Next up, the 4 Strides Team will be heading to Northampton on September 17th and tickets can be booked now.

06/08/2023 Amberley Court Equestrian Centre
The fabulous Amberley Court Equestrian Centre was the venue for the second visit of the year to Herefordshire. A fully booked session was in order as not only did we have some complete newcomers, we also had returness from the first session in Hereford a few months back and 3 team riders also travelled.The surface was great as usually and the heavy downpour just before the start of the racing made it even better.
A great feature of this venue is the large arena, which enables the riders a long run up and run home at speed. This had all the makings of some great times and that didnt disappoint !
Joining us for the first time were Zoe, Ellie, Scarlett , Monty and Chloe.
Monty and Scarlett were battling it out through the day and trading fast times with each run, eventually sharing the family honours of beating each other equal times.
Zoe entered lots of classes on Stan and was just outside the 20 second mark for her quickest run.
Ellie on the beautifully marked 'Woody' also had a cracking day and took home some rosettes for her troubles.
Greg and Michelle both used the large run in and run off area to grab there PB times, Gregs a 17.513 and Michelle a 17.916 ! AMAZING !
Fresh from the previous outing at Hereford, Janette, Emily, Thea, Holly & Lilly all showed what additional training can do for your times with all riders significantly improving on their times, some by as much as 5 seconds and Janette popped in there with a 18.180 !
Onto the awards and Greg got fastest Poles & Barrels of the Day, along with the prize for best dressed.
Michelle scooped yet another Hi Point Trophy and is now well in contention for the years grand prize.
The poles table is looking a lot tighter now, with just 9 points seperating the top 3. Its all to play for.
The photographs on the day were taken by Aimee Wright Photography and can be viewed and purchased HERE
Click below to see your times from the day

30/07/202 -Higher Northcott Farm
The second visit to Devon of the year made for an extremely long day after deciding to do the trip in just 1 day ! A 4am alarm call enabled us to be on the road for 5am and arriving a the venue for 9.30am. The first clinic was at 10am. The rain started and only stopped for a brief 10 minute spell so it made it a damp, cold 'Summers' day in Devon !
The clincis were well attended with a handful of riders visiting us for the second time after the first trip to Devon in April.
Plenty of newcomers too to experince Barrel Racing for the first time.
Onto the afternoon competitive runs against the clock and the action was very fast and tight. Stuart ultimately nicking the fastest time and the Cash from the jackpot with a 17.707 ! Jasmine ran 1st in all but 1 of her classes and finished just short of the hi point winner. It was great to see so many beginners staying on for a few runs against the clock and supporting the other riders. Danny gave Michelle a run for her money but she prevailed in the end and grabbed the Hi point trophy with both hands !
A stunning western attire from Kerry made her ride away with the Best Dressed Rosette.
And the cowboy contingent from Devon was strong with Brian, Nick, Stuart & Danny all looking the part.
Thats it for Devon this year but we hope to return in Spring of 2024 for more training and competitions.
Updated Hi Point Poles is HERE
Updated Hi Point Barrels is HERE
The 4 Strides Team are Next in Herefordshire on August 6th and Barrel Camp is edging closeron August 17th.

23/07/2023 - Fulbeck
On what would normally have been our annual barrel camp weekend, the barrel racers descended on Lincolnshire for the July Training Clinics and Competition instead. (Barrel camp is 17th-20th August)
2 new comers to the sport , Paul and Sarah, to welcome and it was pleasant to see how welcome they were made to feel and the encouragement from the other riders and spectators.
Normal team riders Mark, Greg, Hannah, Mary and Anna all competed and it was a close one regarding the awards.
Greg took home another grandslam of fastest barrels (18.604) fastest poles (20.745) and the Hi Point barrel torphy with 35 points, narrowly beating Mary with 32 and Hannah with 30.
Hannahs expenditure on 'matchy match' finally paid off and she took home the best dressed award. Anna won the 2nd book in the 'Liza & Libby' adventure series by winning the teen NBHA Class. Greg winning the open and Mark the seniors.
The poles class was the closest we have ever seen, with average times after 3 runs each being 21.8, 22.6 and 22.7 secs. Extraordinary and so close between Hannah Greg & Mary.
Next up is annual Barrel Camp on 17th -20th August. Still time to book HERE
Updated Barrel Hi Point is HERE
Updated Poles Hi Point is HERE

09/07/2023 - Roades Fibre Surfaces
The Northampton countryside reverberated with excitement on Sunday, July 9th, as numerous riders gathered at the 4 Strides Equestrians Barrel Racing Event. The event attracted a large turnout, including several first-time participants who were eager to experience the thrill of barrel racing. Among the competitors were the talented team members Greg, Michelle, Mary, and Jenni, each showcasing their skills. This thrilling event rewarded participants with equal shares of prizes and rosettes, fostering a sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship. Notably, Nina demonstrated a remarkable natural talent, while Becky found her true passion in barrel racing after years of wanting to give it a go. The youngsters, Pippa, Niamh, and Georgia, vied for the top spot, while Rhiannon made an impressive comeback after an being away from the sport. Finally, Greg and Rhiannon emerged victorious in the jackpot cash event, adding an extra dose of excitement to an already exhilarating day.
As always, 4 Strides Equestrians Barrel Racing ensured that every rider felt appreciated and recognized for their efforts. Prizes and rosettes were shared equally among the competitors, dependant on class placings emphasizing the inclusive and fair nature of the event. This helped promote a sense of unity among the riders, regardless of their level of experience or previous achievements.
Amidst the talented field of riders, Nina stood out with her first barrel outing. Demonstrating a natural ability, she effortlessly maneuvered her horse through the barrel racing pattern. For Becky, the event marked the realisation of a long-cherished dream. Having yearned to try barrel racing for an extended period, she finally seized the opportunity and discovered a deep love for the sport. Her enthusiasm and determination were there to be seen by all and she was made to feel (as all competitors are) very welcome
Rhiannon, after a few years away from barrel racing, made a triumphant comeback at the Northampton event. Her consistency shone through as she clocked in impressive times and showcased her skills and we are excited to see how fast she can become with some more training and enable her to pursue her dreams.
As the event reached its climax, Greg and Rhiannon emerged as the victors in the jackpot cash event. Greg showcased his speed and agility, securing the fastest barrel and pole time, while Mary's remarkable overall performance earned her the highly coveted Hi-Point Award.
The 4 Strides Equestrians Barrel Racing Event at Northampton on Sunday, July 9th, provided a thrilling and unforgettable experience for riders and spectators alike. From the large turnout of participants, including newcomers to the sport, to the outstanding performances, the event showcased the speed, talent and skill that barrel racing promotes. The event's inclusive atmosphere and the spirit of healthy competition fostered a sense of camaraderie among riders of all levels.
We are looking forward to our return to Northampton in September.
We welcomed a new photographer to Northampton, Katie took thousands of shots and has taken the time to neatly arrange your pictures on her site to view. She also has an offer of all her pictures taken of you for £40. Please contact her for more details. SEE THE PHOTOS HERE

25/06/2023 - FULBECK
On June 25th, The Home of 4 Strides at Fulbeck, hosted our monthly training clinics and competition. The atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation as riders, some fresh from an overnight stay after a great pole bending clinic the night before, geared up for the day's challenges.
In the NBHA Open class, the competition was fierce, with only half a second separating Jemma and Greg after three intense runs. The rivalry between these riders promises an exciting battle in the open class.
Amidst the intensity, Mark achieved a significant milestone by securing his first high point trophy. His dedication and perseverance paid off, making his victory a memorable highlight of the day.
The jackpot class for cash was fiercely contested, with a mere 1.7 seconds separating the top four riders. It was Greg and Mark who emerged victorious, showcasing their riding skills and earning well-deserved cash prizes. Notably, Greg displayed remarkable speed and precision in both the poles and barrels, leaving with both prize rosettes for fastest times set.
The event also celebrated the spirit of creativity and style. Eloisa and Greg were awarded the Best Dressed title for their impeccable fashion choices. Eloisa's amazing outfits turned heads, while Greg's dazzling shirt added a touch of flamboyance to the event. Their sense of flair added an extra layer of excitement to an already thrilling competition.
Western attire is not a requirement but we strongly encourage it and the brighter the better for barrel racing.
For those interested in following the barrel racing scene, the high point tables are definitely worth checking out. The rankings reflect the performances of riders throughout the season, offering insight into the leading contenders and their progress.
Overall, June 25th at Fulbeck was a day filled with close competition, remarkable achievements, and fast times. The riders showcased their skills, and will be keen to race again shortly.
Barrel & Pole High Point Tables HERE
Results and times from the day are below.

On June 24th, 4 Strides Equestrian held a thrilling barrel racing training event and competition at the picturesque Amberely Court Equestrian Centre in Herefordshire. The venue, with its superb arena, proved to be the perfect setting for an exhilarating day filled with intense races, new experiences, and remarkable achievements.
The huge arena offered ample space for the run up and run off required in barrel racing. The participants were treated to a top-notch facility that enhanced their overall experience.
This event witnessed the participation of numerous newcomers who were trying barrel racing for the very first time. It was inspiring to see individuals take up the challenge and push their boundaries in this adrenaline-fueled discipline. Their enthusiasm added an element of excitement to the day and brought a fresh energy to the racing.
Mary and Jenni traveled all the way from Northampton to compete in this barrel racing event. Their commitment to the sport showcased the widespread passion it ignites. Their presence added a touch of friendly rivalry and made the event even more memorable.
Mounted games riders Heidi, James, and Freddie made an impressive debut in barrel racing. Despite it being their first time maneuvering around barrels, they showcased remarkable skill and determination. Their successful performances are a testament to their natural talent and dedication to riding.
Lilly, Thea, and Holly, who were tasting barrels for the first time, had big smiles on their faces as the youngsters had some friendly rivalry to see who would win. These promising riders embraced the challenge and left with well-deserved rosettes, showcasing their potential for future success in barrel racing.
Emma attended the event after harboring a long-standing aspiration to become a barrel racer. Her dreams came true as she experienced the thrill of the sport firsthand. Captivated by the exhilaration, Emma is already planning ahead and eagerly booking the annual summer camp in August—an exciting next step in her journey as a barrel racer.
Janette and Emily traveled across the Welsh border to participate in this barrel racing event. Having previously experienced a taster session, they were inspired to return for another exhilarating race.
Mary's outstanding performance earned her the prestigious High Point award for the day. Her talent and skill in navigating the barrels demonstrated the expertise that comes with experience and practice. Additionally, Heidi's exceptional speed earned her the distinction of fastest poles and barrels, though the award went to Mary due to membership requirements.
The barrel racing training event and competition hosted by 4 Strides Equestrian at Amberely Court Equestrian Centre was a resounding success. The venue provided an exceptional arena, attracting riders from various locations, including Northampton and across the Welsh border. From newcomers testing their skills to remarkable debut performances, the event showcased the spirit of barrel racing. Mary's victory, Heidi's speed, and the overall accomplishments of the participants left an indelible mark on the day.
We are back at Amberely Court on August 6th. Book now.
See the times & results below.

28/05/2023 FULBECK
Barrel Racing Thrills at Fulbeck, Lincolnshire:
A Recap of an Exciting Day
On Sunday, the 28th of May, barrel racing enthusiasts gathered at Fulbeck in Lincolnshire for a day filled with exhilarating competition and impressive displays of horsemanship. The event, held under an overcast sky with occasional bursts of sunshine, showcased the talent and determination of riders from various parts of the country. From close timings and points battles to new faces making their mark, the day had it all.
One highlight was the arrival of Tillie, who participated for the first time this year. Despite her relative newcomer status, Tillie showcased her skills and put on an impressive performance, bagging some rosettes along the way.
Another standout competitor was Tracey, a newcomer hailing from Yorkshire. Just two weeks prior to the event, Tracey had her first taste of barrel racing in Yorkshire. Despite her limited experience, she tackled the course and had a fantastic time. To her delight, Tracey's hard work paid off, and she even managed to take home the coveted jackpot money. Her impressive showing serves as an inspiration to those who are considering venturing into the world of barrel racing.
Jemma, a rider who traveled all the way down from up north, made quite an impact on the day's proceedings. She set the fastest pole and barrel time of the entire event. However, due to not being a member, Jemma was unable to claim the awards for her outstanding performance. Instead, the accolades went to Mary and Sarah, who were the highest-ranking members in those respective categories. Jemma's performance was a reminder of the importance of membership in ensuring eligibility for awards and recognition.
Michelle, a seasoned rider, once again demonstrated her unwavering consistency and dedication to the sport. With each competition, Michelle amasses more points for the league, solidifying her position as a formidable contender in barrel racing. Her commitment to the sport serves as an inspiration to both newcomers and seasoned riders alike.
Jenni, deserves a round of applause for her progress. . Her performance served as a testament to the hard work and dedication she has invested in her riding, and she undoubtedly has a promising future in barrel racing.
While every rider had their moments of triumph, it's important to acknowledge the challenges faced by some. Anna and her horse Echo encountered some difficulties with barrel one, causing a few setbacks early on in the day. However, their determination and perseverance shone through, and by the end of the event, they had overcome their initial issues. Anna's resilience is a reminder that the journey of a barrel racer is often filled with obstacles, but with perseverance and a positive attitude, success can be achieved.
The competition between Sarah and Mary was fierce, with only two points separating them. Both riders showcased their skill, determination, and competitive spirit. In the end, Sarah managed to secure a narrow victory over Mary, cementing her place at the top of the leaderboard for the day. Their close battle was a testament to the nature of barrel racing, where every second and every point counts.
As the day drew to a close, participants left Fulbeck with a rosette or two each.
Updated Hi Point Tables are here

The sat nav this week was taking us to Mill Lane Stables in Yorkshire for the 2nd time this year. The small and compact indoor school meant the times were sub 17 secs but the tightness of the turns made our riders really think and engage.
7 first time barrel turners were joined by seasoned riders, Hannah, Eloisa, Michelle, Liv, James & Anna.
A couple of clinics preceded the afternoon competitive runs against the clock and straight from the off, Eloisa (back on LIlly) was hitting the low 15 second mark !
That ended up being the time to beat throughout the day and which proved insurpassable and Eloisa took home the fastest barrels time.
All but 1 of the new riders joined us for the afternoon timed runs, and everyone went away with a rosette and a smile on their face. The first time turners class was highly competitive and finished with Hermione narrowly pipping Ava into 1st place, and Ellie just grabbing third ahead of Rachel and Aphellia. We hope to see you all again soon.
The poles fastest time was awarded to Hannah along with the Hi Point trophy of the day.
Some fantastic prizes were also dished out making a great day even better.
The updated Hi Point Tables can be found here
Next in the diary is back home at Fulbeck Lincs on May 30th, BOOK HERE NOW

30/04/2023 FULBECK
April already and time for our 4th competition at Fulbeck. Fortunately the day was dry and warm, with rain the day prior, meaning a perfect arena surface for some quick times.
The members were out in force and using the day as aa great opportunity to bank some serious points in the league tables.
It was great to see Anna back after a few months off and she soon settled back in, setting her personal best time !
Sarah was also back competing after a few months absence but was taking it steady due to horse and rider fitness.
The cowboys and girls are really taking to the (new for this year) best dressed award and it was an extremely tight call between at least 3 riders. Anna just snatching it away from Hannah & Eloisa.
Anna also grabbed the fsatest barrel time of the day with a 19.619 while Hannah got fastest poles with a 23.377.
Mary sneaked in though with some steady and consistent times to walk away with the Hi Point of the day trophy on 34 points.
Ryleigh was alternating between 2 ponies and was growing in confidence later in the day after an early knock back.
Jenni was also suffering early on but came back with great determination and confidence to finish the day with a rosette.
The jackpot was split into 2 divisions and each winner took home not only cash, but points in the table. Hannah & Anna grabbing the 2 division wins.
Finally Liv rode brilliantly, and Sally was very pleased at how she listened and put into pratice what she had learnt in the morning lessons. Well done Liv and see you again soon.
Back at Fulbeck on 28th May with a date at Yorkshire on the 14th in the middle. Book now.
The hi point tables are HERE​
George was with us and his photos of the day can be found HERE
And finally click below to see all the times from the day

23/04/2023 - HEAZLE FARM
What a day ! Over 500 miles as a round trip saw the 4 Strides Team head on down to Devon and to put on training clinics and a competition at the request of Danny Blackford. Thanks for inviting us down.
Over 25 riders competed with us throughout the afternoon and it was fast, frantic and non stop barrel racing action.
There is far too many competitiors to name all, but im sure they have caught the barrel racing bug and we will see them again soon.
It was great to see so many cowboys in their full western attire along with some show stopping glamour and bright shirts from some of the youngsters.
Special mentions are to Michelle who for the second weekend in a row has travelled some serious mileage to compete with us, Danny for inviting us and securing the hi point trophy of the day, Bradley for having the fastest overall times of the day (17.140 in barrels & 18.934 in the poles but without being a member, he missed out on the awards) ,Stuart for winning the best dressed rosette and every one else who came and laughed, overcame fears, smiled and rode your hearts out. We appreciate the support and we are looking forward to the next event in Devon in July. Clinic spaces are again limited but can be booked now.
Click HERE to BOOK for July
The hi point tables are HERE
George came with us and his photos of the day can be found HERE
And finally click below to see all the times from the day

16/04/2023 - Saddlesdane Equestrian Centre
Our first event in a 3 in 3 weeks block saw the 4 Strides Team head to Kent and the Saddlesdane Equestrian Centre for the first of 3 planned visits of 2023.
Sadly a few riders dropped out, for various reasons, so there was just the 1 clinic. This proved a great opportunity for the riders to hone their new found barrel racing skills and go up against the clock in the competition.
Michelle travelled all the way from Nottingham and scooped the Hi Point award for the day, along with class wins in all her classes entered. This in turn puts her in a great position in the hi point league.
Vicki dressed the part and bagged a rosette for the best dressed participant along with a couple of 2nd places.
The Fowles family all shared Thunder (doing just a handful of runs each) and all went home with rosettes. All 3 children aand mum going away happy.
Jack was being lead by our own Luke Burridge, and after a couple of warming up runs, laid down the gauntlet to take the lead rein class.
Lexy rode magnificently on Monty, especially enjoying the gallop home to the timing line.
Another first timer was Amii on Gwen, who really shone and actually took the fastest time of the day for both barrels and poles.
Becky and Mel both wrestled their horses away from their respective children, to have a go at the pole bending and get involved on the day, again both bagging a rosette in the process.
There is some great potential in our riders from Kent and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.
George was in attendance and his photos can be found HERE
The all important Hi-Point tables can be found HERE
Next up is Devon on Sunday 23rd April but that has sold out followed by the very next weekend in Lincolnshire on April 30th BOOK HERE
All the times and results can be seen by clicking below.

19/03/2023 - Fulbeck
Mothering Sunday and the sun broke through the clouds and treated us to a lovely Spring Day. Sadly the event wasn't attended as well as we had hoped due to other riders prior Mothers Day engagements. What that did mean though was a huge points haul for everyone !
Fresh from their taster clinic at their livery yard only last week, Jane & Em have seriously caught the 'Barrel Bug' and made the short trip down to learn and compete at some more Barrel Racing.
They had also joined as members this week which entitled them to enter even more classes.
Both rode superbly and was great to see another couple of Quarter Horses at our event.
Honours were split across most of the classes with regular riders, Susi, Michelle, Mark & Greg all picking up class wins. Michelle picking up just enough to sneak her into the lead in the National Hi Point Table.
A battle between Greg & Mark for the fastest time with only 0.1 secs between them but it was Greg who scooped a Grand Slam of awards, Fastest Poles, Fastest Barrels And Hi Point Winner.
Mark took consolation in the best dressed award, which is a huge surprise considering her normally wins the 'dirtiest' shirt award !
The all important Hi-Point tables can be found HERE
Next up is Kent on 16th April - BOOK HERE

05/03/2023 - Mill Lane Selby
A short 1 hour journey from base had us arrive at yet another new venue for 2023, and provided a great selection of riders in all ages & abilities.
Some of our usual members made the trip north, Hannah, Michelle, James and Eloisa, and although the arena was tight and narrow, a great session and competition was held. The times show how small the 'pattern' was, Eloisa clocking a 15.754 but it was all vital experience and if anything a little less daunting for our new riders.
Jacob attended for the first time and blew our socks off, a very teachable young man who listened and put into action all he had learnt, to win a class and post times that were within half as second of some of our team riders. Well done !
Jenny popped along for her second time turning the barrels and again shows lots of promise. It was also great to see Kieran and Pat after such a long absence from the barrel racing.
Other riders coming along for there first time barrel racing included Phoebe, Iris, Sylvia and Gemma.
James bagged the book supplied by our sponsor and just missed out on the best dressed.
A cracking day for Eloisa saw her pick up the fastest poles award, fastest barrels and Hi Point winner of the day, she also bagged 'Best Dressed' which was a credit to mum Alison who had spent hours sewing together her bespoke shirt and trousers !
The Jackpot class ran with 6 riders, with both divisional winners pocketing £15 in cash.
George was in attendance and his photos can be found HERE
The all important Hi-Point tables can be found HERE
Next up is Lincolnshire on March 19th BOOK HERE
All the times and results can be seen by clicking below.

19/02/2023 - FULBECK 4 STRIDES
Mid February and already we were hosting our second event of the year at 4 Strides' Home Venue in Lincolnshire !
A large number riders and accompanying supporters made for a great day of laughs, smiles and barrel turning fun. Even the sun was shining to make the day complete.
A few first time riders came to experience the barrel racing and these included Tilly, who conquered her nerves and worries to get around the barrel pattern on her own after only 2 runs ! Jodie & Emma were a pleasure to teach and took their new found skills and knowledge into the competition which resulted in Emma smashing in a 20.556 ! Amazing well done ! Also coming along for a day of barreling fun was Meg & Mel and where not technically their first time (they came to summer camp in 2022) it was the first time for their horses and ponies and again got faster as the day went on.
Lots of member were present, all chasing the points, rosettes and end of season awards. Non other than Sarah who obtained her third Hi-Point trophy of the season already and some great points in the tables.
Susi is really getting to grips with her latest horse and clocked the fastest time of 18.120, with the bragging rights going the way of Susi for the trip home down south as she was nearly half a second faster than her other half Greg.
The Jackpot race was entered in huge numbers for a total prize pot of £55. Michelle, Greg & Meg taking home the cash.
Sophie battled her way around the barrels with Pixie and took home the Prize of the Barrel Racing novel kindly supplied by our sponsor.
Special mention this week goes to Hannah, who is riding really well and bagged her new PB at Fulbeck of a 21.514, Hannah has shown that regular training and a great attitude to learning can really pay off and is some 6 seconds faster than this time last year. Well done Hannah !
George was in attendance and his photos can be found HERE
The all important Hi-Point tables can be found HERE
Next up is Yorkshire on March 5th BOOK HERE
And back in Fulbeck Lincolnshire on March 19th BOOK HERE
All the times and results can be seen by clicking below.

Our first visit of the season to Norfolk, and on a Friday during the school holidays which resulted in a barrel racing double header with Lincolnshire taking place only 48hrs later.
The age range of riders was astonishing with Lochy at only 6 and Ron at 76 ! Seasoned riders Sarah & Mollie were leading the way on the timings and took home a fastest pole (Mollie) and barrel (Sarah) award each.
Newcomers to the fast and frantic world of barrel racing was Dylan, Larry & Lochy. All taking to it like a duck to water and using their new found skills to consistently set quicker times on every run. Lochy had mum running with him on the lead rein but showing huge potential at such a young age.
Penny came along with Ron for her first experience turning barrels on veteran barrel racer JD and her confidence grew as the afternoon went on. Also on her first time turning barrels was Bethany who after a quick briefing of which way to run, set a very respectable sub 20 sec time.
It was great to see the 3 new lads riding so well and hopefully we will see them again for more barrel turning action.
We are back at Norfolk on FRIDAY JUNE 2ND and can be booked HERE ONLINE
As always click below for all the class times and results.

A new venue for Northamptonshire lay in wait for our barrel racers. Roade Fibre Surfaces hosted us for our first road trip of 2023. A great little facility with a big arena and a burger van ! A great attendance saw the 2 training clinics split between seasoned racers and complete new-comers.
Sophie, Pippa, Isla & Emily all came along for their first outing of 2023 and were joined by Hannah, Mary, Anna & Jenni who were out for barrel racing fun for the second time in 2 weeks.
Complete new comers Imogen, Sophie C, Lizzie, Ellie, Lydia & Kim styed on after the trining clinics to do some competitive racing. The action was fast but controlled and was the first opportunity to 'put into practice' what they had learnt in the morning. Ellie & Emily both ran sub 21's runs but with not being members yet for 2023, Anna walked away with the fastest members barrel time of the day being a 21.843. Respectively, Mary took the same honors in the poles with a 21.399. A new award for 2023, Best dressed cowboy/girl went to new comer Sophie C who really pulled out the stops and was presented in western shirt, western tack and amazing chaps ! Well done all.
The rosettes were spread fairly evenly throughout the competition and everyone went home with at least one ! Ellie was the fastest of the new racers winning the 'First time turners' class.
Hi point accumulator champion of the day was Mary, amassing 36 points and rocketing up the league tables.
George was with us and his photographs can be found HERE
Updated Barrels & Poles Hi-Point is HERE
Next up is Norfolk on February 17th and Fulbeck on Sunday 19th. Available to BOOK HERE
Times & Results are below ....

22/01/2023 - FULBECK
First event back after the Christmas Break and although cold & frosty, that didn't deter the riders. A record number of competitors for a January event meant only 1 thing .... people were eager for a Barrel Racing fix !
Having horses just being bought back into work and the fact that it was still a little hard under foot meant no new records were set and everyone took the day a bit more cautiously than usual.
A new prize on the day of our competitions was the 'Best dressed' cowboy or cowgirl, of which there were many contenders with western wear aplenty and 'matchy' tack on many riders and their steeds ! The best dressed prize went to Anna Turner.
Down to the running, and Daisy made her first appearance sharing 'Lou' with Nin and set some great times between the two. The Atkinson brother sister combo of Eloisa & James shared 'Rio & Darcie' and did great times also. Greg posted the fastest time of the day in the barrels while Eloisa took the same prize in the poles. Sarah amassed the most points for show hi point winner and starting where she left off from last year. Hannah has finally settled on a 2 horse combo, 1 for barrels and 1 for poles and sits at the top of the league for poles after the first event. Susi ran well on Rayna, as did Mark on Lexy when he stopped knocking barrels over !
Ryleigh travelled from Derbyshire with his trusty horse 'Willow' and also bought his new pony 'Scarlet' for an introduction to the barrels. Michelle put in some brilliant consistent runs on 'Dolly' and we're sure she will be knocking on the 20 second barrier soon. Mary braved the cold and rode sensibly and cautiously for the conditions and Jenni came along from Northampton to get some more Barrel miles under her belt.
Latest Hi Points are in the News Section HERE
George Parish was also on site snapping away and does a great show offer of £40 for all you pictures. CLICK HERE
Times & Results are below....

27/11/2022 - FULBECK
The final day of the season was held at the Home of UK Barrel Racing in Fulbeck. Greg, Susi, Sarah and Hannah all made the event their final double header of the season after the day prior in Yorkshire.
The Barrel Hi Point was all but wrapped up, but still lots to play for in the poles hi point. With Sarah & Greg effectively going into the day all but equal.
Emma rode Lilly in her first competition and acheived a fantastic 20.066 on her first ever competitive run. Hopefully the start of things to come for this partnership and another regular rider for 2023.
Mark on Lexy posted some ultra quick times and got his new Personal best with a 18.452 and swiped the fastest barrels trophy out of Greg's hands.
Anna on Echo rode consistently well all day and Hannah used her Space Scientist Mathematician skills to calculate what she needed to do to snatch 3rd in the barrel league table and 3rd & 4th in the poles. Well done Hannah.
The day finished the season in style and was a perfect send off before all would be revealed in our 2022 Annual Christmas Awards Ceremony.
George Parish was on hand snapping away and his shots can be found HERE
A great season and we get to do it all again next year with more events, new venues and an exciting International Opportunity in the USA.
All class times as usual can be found below.

7 new riders to the world of Barrel Racing came alongf to the fabulous Bishop Burton college on our second to last event of 2022 and our last in Yorkshire this year. They were joined by most of our regular riders too and took the numbers above 18 attendees ! A brillian turn out.
Our regular riders like Greg, Susi and Sarah all made long journeys to compete and have the last chance of snatching points for the final league tables. Hannah had the motive oftrying to be Hi Point winner for Yorkshire and others were just excited to end the season with a great day or barrels.
Our First Time Turners Class was the busiest its been all year with Poppy, Rosey, Sandra , Sarah, Jen, Rachel & Summer all slogging it out to be the fastest new comer.
Ryleigh put up a great fight with Eloisa ( on her new pony now) and was narrowely beaten by just .5 of a second in the averages for the NBHA Junior Category. James & Liv also slogged it on on Darcie & Rio with Liv just edging it in the Teen class.
With every point counting in the Hi Point Tables, the atmosphere ws tense between our run away leaders, Sarah & Greg. So much so that in the Open Poles Class, a poor run by Sarah dropped her to 6th and that would have serious rammifications come awards day.
All in all a brilliant last event at Bishop Burton, We are back in Selby next year and dates are already available HERE along with online booking.
All times from the day can be viewed by clicking below.

29/10/2022 - FULBECK
The penultimate show of 2022 at our home venue of Fulbeck. The heavens opened hours before the start and drenched the arena, soon afterwards the arena was graded and rolled, and it looked perfect for some seriously quick times. We weren't to be wrong on this, as 6 riders smashed their personal best, one rider was just 2 tenths off the arena record and consistent under 19 second runs were very common.
Tillie was riding in only her second ever barrels competition, and beat her previous best by over a second to now stand at a 28.647. Also in her second competition was Izzy, her private 1-2-1 lessons really paying off and obliterated her PB by over 3 seconds to a 20.950 !
Hannah was also beating a personal best on Bean to a 25.005, although she was suffering after clobbering a barrel with her leg early on.
Anna riding Echo was another rider to smash her PB by over 3 seconds to 21.402 and she picked up valuable points in the Hi-Point by being so consistent.
Mr consistency in the International class was Mark on Lexy, registering a 18.763,18782 & 18.751 but was still pipped to top spot by Greg by a meagre 2 tenths of a second.
Speaking of Greg, he managed another grand slam of Fastest Poles, Fastest Barrels & Hi Point winner of the day. Narrowing the lead on the national Hi Point League but it looks like Sarah has it pretty much in the bag barring any disaster in November.
Sarah came looking to get back into the swing of it post Malta and although didnt win a class, she still kept everyone on their toes with 2nds & 3rds. Its not impossible for Greg to catch her but its looking increasingly unlikely. A solid consistent performance throughout the year for Sarah.
Eloisa was riding Lilly for the last time before moving onto her new pony. Talk about save the best til last .... smashing her PB on Lilly to an amazing 18.595 and on Darcie by over a second to 21.092. Not to be out done, Eloisa' brother James also rode Darcie expertly to be just about a second off Eloisa' time !
New to Barrels was Peter who had experienced a journey from hell, all the way from Leigh-On-Sea Essex to be with us. He was made to feel most welcome and even commented about how friendly and helpful everyone was. His Barrel times were getting quicker by about 3 seconds per run as confidence grew and eventually finished on a 28.007. Well done Peter and hope to see you again soon.
With only 1 month of competitive barrel action remaining, updated hi points wont be available until after the award ceremony.
No George Parish photo's this event as George was booked elsewhere but he will be back with us at our last events in November.
All times and class results acn be found below.

28/10/2022 - BOSTON (EQUI-CLASS)
Our last visit of the year to Equi-Class in Boston saw the clouds part ways and the arena drenched in autumnal sunshine.
Harry, Thomas, Alice & Kate were joining us for their first time. Kate conquering her nerves and building confidence as the afternoon went on. Harry & Thomas having some great rivalry as the times were so close between the two of them and Alice being led on lead rein as her confidence isnt quite there yet but will come.
April popped along with her mum, to run some lead rein runs and even bagged herself a rosette in the process !
Regular riders also in attendance were Kiah, Phoebe, Frankie, Rhian, Isadora & Jasmine. All running well with the selection of rosettes shared out amongst all riders.
Fastest time was Kiah with a 19.047 followed extremely closely by Phoebe with a 19.062 ! Fractions between them.
Frankie rode Merlin consistently throughout the day, in both barrels and the pole bending. Rhian rode the extremely quick BB8 and had to use all her reserves of energy and strength to get the pony round the pattern. Isadora and Jasmine rode well throughout the clinic and competition and again took some rosettes home with them for barrels.
Thats it in Boston for this year, thank you to Equi-Class for hosting us and of course to all our riders and supporters over the year who have attended. We will be back next year with clinics and fun competitions, dates will be announced soon.
As always, times of classes can be seen below.

18/09/2022 - FULBECK
Fresh from our display at Belvoir Castle, we had a few new riders who wanted to give the exciting sport of Barrel Racing a go ! Izzie, Megan and Tillie-Mai all rode their socks off and i'm confident to say that 3 new cow-girls have been confirmed !
Regular riders of Sarah, Hannah, Mark & Eloisa (on her 2 ponies) were also joined by relative newbies, Lynn, Liv, Michelle & James.
Some PB's were broken in both Poles & Barrels but there was to be no grandslam, as although Eloisa took home fastest Pole & Barrel time on the day, Sarah managed to pip everyone else to the Hi-Point and walk away with the Hi-Point Trophy.
The Jackpot race ran with Eloisa and James taking away a share of the cash prize. Ask Ollie at our next event how the Jackpot works as its great fun and its not just the quickest time that wins.
A great day and things are really tight at the business end of the season and table. Only 2 shows at Fulbeck left (October 29th & November 27th) and a couple of road trip shows too. Its been a great season and we still have the honour of competing at the Golden Buckle in Malta in October. We appear to be taking a large crowd of riders and supporters so should be able to make some noise and support in the best possible way. There's still time to join us if wanted.
Updated Barrels Hi-Point is HERE
Updated Poles Hi-Point is HERE
As usual George graced us with his presence and as usual the photographs he took were top notch (must be the camera HA) and can be viewed and purchased HERE for a great memento of your day.
See you all soon for some more fast paced, high adrenaline Barrel Racing !
Click below for the times and results of the latest show.

Our last visit of the year to Boughton Mill in Northamptonshire and again, its was great to see so many new comers ! The clinics were well attended and everyone stayed on in the afternoon for some fast & furious, barrel racing fun.
Newcomers Sue, Nin, Austin & Oliver were quickly up to speed on learning the Barrel Pattern and took on Sallys teaching very well. They all set great times in the competition with Austin just pipping Oliver for being the faster of the 2 brothers ! Sue tried her hand in a couple of classes as did Nin, who also had 3 great runs in the poles. Lyla was aboard Alfie, with Sarah leading, and picked up a rosette. The first time turners class has been a popular addition and Austin took the honours of being the fastest first timer !
Isla stayed behind after clinic for her first competitive run and took home a second place !
Jenni and Emily both broke their previous personal best times at Northampton and Mary hitched a ride on Henry due to Digger's absence. Hannah bought her 'fleet' of horses and gladly loaned Susi a ride on Smokey and Isobel a ride on Bean. Hannah also broke her Northampton PB on Kitkat.
At the business end of the standing, Greg picked up yet another 'Grand Slam' (fastest poles, fastest barrels and hi point trophy) and caught some points up on Sarah. Sarahs lead in the poles league table is down to 2 measly points and 21 points in the barrels. Still lots to play for with plenty of points up for grabs between now and December.
Next up is Fulbeck on September 18th.
Updated Barrels Hi Point can be found HERE
Updated Poles Hi Point can be found HERE
And as always, all times and results from the day are below

Silver Leys Polo Club seemed to prove very popular as 16 riders hit the training clinics in the morning, most were new comers to the Barrel Racing scene and some decided to stay and compete in the afternoon competition. Lynn, both Georges & Harriet, all showed great improvement the more runs they did. Well done all !
Sarah made great advantage of Greg being unable to race and has now taken a huge lead in the Hi-Point League. Hopefully Greg & Wilma will be ready to take on the challenge at Northampton on Sunday.
All our regular riders of Mary, Hannah, Sarah, Anna & Emily all improved on their previous best times at Silver Leys.
That's it for this year at this venue, we may be returning in 2023, our next years events diary will be released later this year.
Updated Barrels Hi-Point Totals are HERE
Updated Poles Hi-Point Totals are HERE
Next up is Northampton on September 4th, Fulbeck September 18th and a dsiplay at the Festival of the Horse sandwiched inbetween on the 10th & 11th September at Belvoir Castle.
We have a discount code for advanced ticket sales (20% off) which is FOTH22
As always, times and results can be found be tapping the button below.

21/08/2022 FULBECK
The dust had barely settled and the hangovers subsided from Penrith but we were off and raring to go again in Fulbeck for our monthly clinic and show.
Plenty of new first time riders, who took advantage of our new class in the show : 'First Time Turners' this class is (as the name suggests) open to riders competing at their first event with us. A great class to go at your own pace without the faster seasoned riders. Also being placed to 6th meant rosettes for all !
Michelle, Tegan and Ollie put their new found knowledge into practice and put some very respectable times on the score sheet but these were pipped by Sienna, riding Lilly, but only by 4 tenths.
The top 3 on our Hi Point Table of Mark, Sarah & Greg all improved their season Personal Bests and things are getting even tighter at the top of these leagues.
Hannah bought along 3 horses and beat her PB on smokey in the barrrels and hger PB on Kitkat in the poles. She also kindly let Isabel ride Bean and Susi ride Kitkat who both had great runs.
Anna ran solid and consistent times and Sally commented just how great she is coming along as a barrel rider. The hours of training are definitely paying dividends.
James came along to ride for his second time and just narrowly missed out on beating his siter on Darcie by a fraction of a second, im sure you'll get her next time !
Thank you to all who attended, we hope to see you all again soon.
Next up is Silver Leys on August 27th & back at Fulbeck on September 18th.
Updated Barrels Hi Point can be found HERE
Updated Poles Hi Point can be found HERE
George Parish was here snapping away and his fantastic images can be found HERE
All times and results as always a click away by pressing the button below :

13th & 14th August 2022
4 Strides Equestrian were invited to Penrith, at the Newton Rigg Equestrian Centre, to conduct clinics and a show. We were also asked to put on a display on the Saturday night for the Wild West Weekend so we got the team together and made the long journey up north !
16 riders attended the clinics on Saturday morning with 14 of these being completely new to barrel racing. The competition was on the Sunday but was on a much smaller barrel pattern than usual as it was a narrow arena. With this in mind 17-20sec runs were the order of the day even for our newcomers !
Mentions to Georgia, Phoebe and Josie who came for their first taste of a barrel racing competition and did some wonderfully tight and controlled runs. Jane was fresh from her victory in the fancy dress competition and posted very respectable times. Emma though ,on her first show with us, ran extremely well for a fast and precise pattern and constantly beating her previous time on every run.
Eloisa wrapped up the hi point trophy for the day, just pipping Hannah by a meager 2 points !
The Jackpot race was run by 9 competitors for a 3 division league and a £15 per winner cash prize.
Greg won division 1, Mark division 2 and Josie won division 3. Well done all !
Our new class for first time turners was a great success and will be carried forward to all our future shows, the idea is to give a class that only riders on their first show can compete in at their own pace and without the regulars bagging the rosettes !
Our demo team put on a 40 minute display on the Saturday night and info and pictures can be seen HERE
As always, all times and points can be seen by clicking the button below !
See you next at Fulbeck on 21st August and Silver Leys the following Saturday 27th August. Book Now

29/07/2022 - 31/07/2022 BARREL CAMP FULBECK
Barrel Camp 2022 was an amazing experience for all involved. 3 days of barrel racing fun (2 days of intensive training and the competition on Sunday) saw over 20 riders plus their companions compete in fun games, horse ball, horse football, singing by the camp fire, line dancing and the obligatory game of 'Spoons' or two ! We were all fed and watered and even the odd shower of rain didnt dampen the spirits.
It was a real pleasure and honour to have such a great group of people with us and made camp, the best yet. Each year we strive to better the previous, in both riding and entertainment, we hope we didn't disappoint.
Onto the show on Sunday and we had many first timers turning barrels for their first time ! Special mentions to Alison, James, Melissa and Meg. Well done for conquering your fears and apprehensions.
It wouldn't have been camp without Ron, and we were pleased he joined us for the training and the show on Sunday.
Ryleigh was pleased with his spurs for being awarded 'Best Overall Cowboy'. Greg just nicked the hi-point by 3 points from Sarah and the tables are really tight now between the two heading into the last 4 months of the year.
Best turned out was a real challenge to pick, but Hannah just nicked it with the feathers swaying the judges !
Mary, Sarah, Greg, Ryleigh, Alexa and Jayne all broke personal bests on the barrels and some are teetering on the egde of this years arena record !
George was in attendance and his pictures of the whole weekend can be found HERE
Updated Poles Hi-Point is HERE
Updated Barrels Hi-Point is HERE
Next up is Norfolk on 7th August, Newton Rigg (Penrith) 13th & 14th August, Fulbeck 21st August and Hertfordshire on 27th August. Get in touch to book now.

Silver Leys Polo Club hosted us for the second time this year and this time it coincided with our Barrel Display Team performing as part of the 'Festival of the Horse' display. A clinic followed by the usual compettion classes on the Saturday afternoon where the action was hotley contested both in temperature and closeness of times !
Consistency was the word of the day as most rider posted consecutive runs with a tenth or 2 tenths of a second apart ! Greg slightly gained on Sarah in the Barrels Hi Point League and reduced the lead to just 3 points in the Poles Hi Point League. Its extremely close in both and who will end up on top is anyones guess. Camp weekend up next where a large collection of riders competing can really alter the points totals !
The hi point trophy for the day was shared with 33 points each between Sarah & Greg.
Updated Barrel Hi Point is HERE
Updated Poles Hi Point is HERE

Equiclass at Boston kindly hosted us again and we had 2 clinics and then some fun racing. Tracey and Lucy deserve a special mention for conquering their fears and doing some Barrel Turns for their first ever time ! Also a mention goes to April who, as you can see, had beaming ear to ear smiles on her first go at turning barrels ! Well done to all.
A group of regular riders from Boston were also joined by member Anna who is putting some experience on her young horse by visiting different venues. Anna actually took the Hi Point Trophy for the day with 18 points !
Seasoned regulars, Phoebe, Isadora, Tish and Jasmin all showed great perserverance and determination, that even in the face of misbehaving ponies, still posted quick times.
We look forward to welcoming you all again to Equi Class soon !

26/06/2022 - FULBECK
Another weekend and another 2 days of Barrel Racing fun. Saturday saw the display team riding in front of hundreds of spectators at Durham County Show (See Report Here) and Sunday saw us at Fulbeck for our June show.
Katie came to compete for the frist time in a year, due to work commitments, but she ran some extremely quick and consistent times, we are looking forward to seeing her times improve with a little more training. Sarah broke her PB again to a sub 20 sec. Mark also beat his PB by a narrow 0.02 seconds.
Susi was on a different horse than usual due to an injury to Dre but was also competitive as was Hannah who rode Bean and bagged some rosettes.
Greg snatched the Hi point Trophy away from Sarah by just 2 points but the standings didn't take too much of a knock and Sarah's advantage still remains !
George popped on by and took some fantastic moody looking pictures, and made a great gesture of giving all our riders on the day their personal images ! Contact George directly with your email address to claim yours !
And thank you George for your generosity.
Updated Barrel Hi Point is HERE
Updated Pole Hi Point is HERE
Next is another Barrel double header of Yorkshire on July 9th & Boston July 10th.

2nd weekend out of 3 barrel racing and a BRAND NEW venue for us to visit. Silver Leys Polo Club were a great host and the arena was perfect for the barrel pattern, even allowing an 'alley' for running in and out !
Held during the same weekend as a polo tournament meant some polo players got to have a taste of barrel racing fun. But, we also had a large contingent of regular riders making the journey, Hannah, Mark, Ellie, Anna & Sarah with 3 of these proudly donning their team rider t-shirts.
We managed to dodge the rain showers and after the 2 clinics had ended, we got set up for the competitive runs. Some of the polo players joined in and put up some very respectable times, with Chris on Scream winning a class with an astonishing time of 20.180 ! It was down to regular and team rider Mark though to show that practice makes perfect and smash in a 19.830 and retain the honours ! Sarah made up for her closest competitor in the league standings not attending, by clocking 25 points in barrels and 12 in poles ! Regaining pole position in both Hi-Point leagues and taking the days trophy home aswel.
We had a really great time at Silver Leys and will be back for the Festival of the horse on 16th-17th July and for another training session and competition on August 27th.
All points have been added to the league tables, remember that when you join as a member, all your points backdated will be added to your tally and their is great oppurtunity to take the Hi Point annual award for Silver Leys.
Barrel camp is getting closer by the day, See all the details here BARREL CAMP
Updated Barrel Hi Point is HERE
Updated Poles Hi Point is HERE

12/06/2022 - Boughton Mill
Visit 2 out of 3 for the year at Boughton Mill and we were happy to see so many 'regulars' make the journey for another great days barrel racing. Was good to see Sophie back after not competing with us for a couple of months,and she had some stiff competition from Pippa, with the pair of them sharing the spoils in a couple of classes.
Georgia came for the first time this year with her new horse Joey who was sporting some lovely artwork on its hind.
Our Barrel Team Riders were in great attendance with Greg, Susi, Hannah and Mary all making the trip. Don't forget you are welcome to come train with our team members and we have some really exciting displays and oppurtunities booked this year and next.
Jenni went home with a few rosettes for her efforts and was great she could stay for the competition.
The clinics were very well attended and had quite a few new comers, special mentions to Laura (battling a horse that was behaving out of sorts) Rebecca who impressed with her techniques, Emily who was like a rocket straight from the off and Natasha rode well.
Greg (our photo star) wrapped up a clean sweep of 6 classes and 6 wins for a colossal 36 points on the day which in turn has shook the National Hi Point Trophy leader board up in both barrels & poles. He walked away with the Fastest Barrels (New Arena Record this Year) Fastest Poles and the Hi Point Trophy. All in all everyone who competed got a 1st 2nd or 3rd rosette with many winning multiple.
George made the trip with us for some snapping action and usual they can be seen HERE
Updated Barrel Hi-Point is HERE
Updated Pole Hi-Point is HERE
Dont forget that no matter when you join the membership club, we will back date all your points from the current year and membership is only £30.
Next up is Hertfordshire on June 18th followed by Fulbeck on June 26th and dont forget Barrel Camp is only 7 weeks away. SEE HERE FOR INFO

29/05/2022 - FULBECK
Smiles ! That's one word i can use to describe the busy show at Fulbeck on Sunday. It was amazing to see each and every rider smiling as they left the arena or during their barrel runs. There was plenty to smile about too.
A bumper list of entries saw some great entertaining riding and it was great to see lots of new riders too.
Very well attended clinics saw the rider introduced to the sport of barrel racing or had them working on their advanced techniques, do remember that clinics are a great training session and not just an introduction to the sport.
The skies looked menacing at times but we remained dry all day apart from a few drops of rain. With so many riders it'll be hard to name all in the report so we will have some shout outs.
Sarah on Alfie smashed her poles PB by 2 secs to a 21.803 and also her barrels PB to 20.798. Greg beat his current PB on the poles by half second.
Susi took fastest time of the day and a new PB and current season record with a 18.373. The gloves are off and that is a blistering pace for others to follow.
Fortunately its not all about pure pace, and some great barrel patterns with highly consistent times were achieved by Karen on Jord (pronounced Jerth ;-) ) Leah on Magic, and Scarlett on Brigg.
Fenella put some great times in and went home with an armful of rosettes, Lilly (our photo this month) ran very smoothly and had the biggest smile as seen here !
Mark looked the cowboy part and on that note its encouraging to see our riders dress appropriately as western attire is always welcomed.
Our biggest mention this week goes to Lois on Tommy, helped along by Mum. Attending her first ever barrel session, she did an awesome job in not only the barrels but the poles too and even bagged a rosette along the way !
As always George Parish was here snapping away and his pictures can be seen HERE and he does his amazing special offer for all photos taken of you for just £40 !
Updated Barrel Hi Point is HERE
Updated Pole Hi Point is HERE
We are next back at Fulbeck on June 26th, before that though we have Northampton & Hertfordshire along with Team Training so its not long to wait get your Barrel Fix !
Camp is barely 9 weeks away and as such we are nearly sold out, although we can accommodate more if booked quickly. You can find out all you need to know HERE

15/05/2022 - MATTISHALL
Our second visit of the year to Mattishall in Norfolk for a bit of indoor barrel racing. Although not a full size pattern, we still create a great competition and the riders were very competitive with each other along with supportive as always.
A huge 65 years age gap covered our youngest rider to our eldest today, brilliantly showcasing how diverse the sport is.
Sam (having attended a private lesson) hit the ground running on her first barrel racing outing and set some extremely consistent times on Benny.
Emelia was also on her first ever event and managed to take home a few rosettes for her hard work.
As always Shane looked the part on JD while sporting his Belt Buckle which he won during last years events. He was also narrowly beaten to the fastest time of the day by just 6 tenths of second and ran consistently in the 17s bracket.
Mollie on Charlie showed some real promise and it was great to see the hard work and passion really show dividends in her racing times.
It was also great to see Ron, who has been an avid supporter of 4 Strides Barrel Racing and been along for the ride since the very beginning. Such smooth, and fluid riding shows that technique is as much key as outright pace.
But the outright winner of the day should take all the plaudits, narrowly missing out on a grand slam (fastest barrel, fastest poles and hi point) but notching up 42 points overall is Sarah on Alfie. A little over 12 months ago Sarah attended a clinic for the first time and caught the barrel racing bug. This hard work and dedication travelling up and down the A17 for clinics and competitions has quite rightly earned her a spot on the Barrel Display Team.
A great day was had by us and we look forward to our 3rd and final trip of the year to Norfolk on August 7th
Next up is back at Fulbeck, Lincs on the 29th May, book now !
As always all your times are available on the Link labelled 'Results' below.
Updated Barrel Hi Point is HERE
Updated Poles Hi Point is HERE

17/04/2022 - Fulbeck
Being Easter Sunday didnt deter our riders from attending the show & clinic for one of the busiest ones of the year so far. Perfect conditions and arena was sure to mean some fast times !
Ashley & Kathy attended to put some miles and experience in on their horses and special mention goes to Ashley who handled his horse brilliantly, well done.
As mentioned the conditions were perfect and Greg, Susi & Hannah all smashed their PB's for the year so far. Greg's narrowly beat Mark from last month to claim a new arena record of the year of 18.570, 1.5s quicker than his previous. Susi also by nearly 2s beat her previous best and Hannah smashed it completely from a 29.400 to a 23.869 ! Amazing !
Anna made the long trip north with Gem and despite a tumble early on, showed great resilience and determination to clock some very neat patterns.
Sarah on Alfie also clocked some very consistent times and is this months photo star.
Isobel attended her first show after being a spectator last month, and we are sure by the smiles, she has caught the barrel racing bug already. We look forward to your return Isobel !
Special mention goes to Sophie & Pixie as despite having what seems the naughtiest pony, she still collected an arm full of rosettes and all our competitors got given a Chocolate Easter Bunny.
The pole classes were well attended and again Greg, Susi & Hannah all obliterated their previous PB's and has made the poles Hi Point Table very close at the top.
Special thanks to you all for attending and supporting our shows, next up is Team Training on May 7th (enquire if you would like to be on the team) Norfolk on May 15th and back home at Fulbeck on May 29th.
Book Now !
Updated Barrel Hi Point is HERE
Updated Poles Hi Point is HERE
Was great to have George back which relieved Andy of his stand in duties from last month. George's piccies of all the barrels & poles can be seen HERE
And all your times and results can be seen by clicking below....

03/04/2022 - Bishop Burton College
A brand new venue for us to visit this year and we were really excited to be in Yorkshire at Bishop Burton College. So were plenty of others it seemed as the clinics and the competition were extremely well attended !
Some completely first time barrel racers quickly got to grips with the techniques required, and were taking the clinics in there strides, Its amazing to see the varying levels of riders from complete novices to our very own Barrel Display Team riders.
Louise had a lovely morning on Jewel before heading off at lunch but we had plenty more arrivals for the racing. First timers, Kate & Connie caught the 'cowgirl' bug and after signing up for memberships they did some very impressive runs with really consistent timings. We are excited to see the potential of these two in the coming events ! Well done. Max was testing his new pony and had mum lead him round but she also had to double up to lead Annabelle round too ! A double workout for Jo.
Hannah fresh from team training the day prior, walked away with her first Hi Point Trophy after amassing 22 points. While Becky on Roxy put some very consistent times and even had a go on the pole bending too.
Liv rode rio with purpose,even fighting to stay on while the 'bucking bronco' thought he'd have her off ! Rachel & Rebecca had a great clinic and won some rosettes in the afternoon too.
The star of the show tho belonged to Eloisa on Lilly, This cowgirl, dresses the part, rides the part and puts up fast times each and every ride. A cracking 19.604 sec for the fastest barrels of the day on a full size pattern too ! Not bad for an 11.2hh pony !
It really was amazing to see the level of support, the numbers in attendance and the spectators at our newest venue, its sure to be as popular in the future and we are back there in July.
George was here snapping away and captured some amazing close up shots, they can be seen HERE
Now finally, we send our best get well wishes to Jane, who fell from her horse and landed awkwardly on her foot. The clock is still running for you and we look forward to you finishing your run !
Next up is April 17th (EASTER SUNDAY) at Fulbeck Lincs. Clinics at 10 & 11am and racing from 12.30pm.
All easter eggs greatly received !
Book now !
Updated Barrel Hi Point is HERE
Updated Poles Hi Point is HERE
Dont forget you can see all your times from the day by clicking the 'Results' Tab below.

20/03/2022 - Fulbeck
The sun was beaming down on us and the arena surface was perfect, it all looked good for some fast barrel runs and my gosh it didnt disappoint !
A smaller attendance than usual for the clinic meant the attendees got even more dedicated barrel training, which would prove beneficial come the racing.
A fair few other riders arrived for the afternoons racing, some for the first time ever, some for the first time this year and of course some who have attended frequently this year. Jane as pictured above was her first visit this year.
Sarah and Evie were horse sharing and took home 3 rosettes between them, Max (for his first outing of the year) had some steering issues on his pony but sheer determination and resilience meant he too had success in the rosette department.
Sarah P smashed her PB this season from a 25.867 to 22.211 which is also 1.4 quicker than last year.
Not to be out done, Mark then smashed his own PB from 20.053 to an amazing 18.979 which was 7 tenths quicker than last year. Well done the pair of you !
Hannah bought a couple of horses along and ran calm and consistent times.
Alexa was a late arrival but we still slotted her into the classes and she amassed a large total of points. Talking of points, Sarah P took home the Hi Point award with a great total of 26, which will help along the way in the Hi Point League standings, Ellie was a very close second after winning 3 classes and finishing second in a 4th !
Next up is Yorkshire Barrels on 3rd April, book now to secure your place.
No George with us as he had prior engagements so Andy took some piccies for us instead, dont worry George we need you back !!
Updated Barrel Hi Point is HERE
Updated Poles Hi Point is HERE

06/03/2022 - Boughton Mill
Sunday 6th March saw us make the journey to Boughton Mill Equestrian Centre in Northampton. A bumper turn out resulted in 2 full training clinics in the morning followed by some great barrel racing and pole bending in the afternoon.
Chase, Eleanor and Lottie attended their first barrel racing experience and did really well in the clinic, we hope to see you again soon !
Isla & Jenni had a great training session and although they didnt stay for the racing, a great improvement was seen in the training.
Onto the racing and Greg & Susi appearing in their 3rd show already this year are showing some serious commitment, as is Sophie who has followed us to Lincolnshire, Norfolk & Northampton already ! She really is a cowgirl in the making !
Ellie P achieved some really committed and consistent runs while Jane on Sunny set the pace with a 19.922 secs. Well done Jane.
Ellie T ran very well on Rayna but the star of the show on her very first outing was Cassie on Joey picking up a 2nd and 3rd place rosette along the way.
The International Qualifying round was close with only 2 tenths separating Gregg and Jane over the average of 3 runs. Gregg just pipping it with a 21.482 !
George was tagging along and as always his pictures can be found HERE
Updated Barrel Hi Point is HERE
Updated Poles Hi Point is HERE

20/02/2022 - Fulbeck
Back to back barrel racing weekend, this time at our home venue in Fulbeck and it seems we even managed to part the storms ! Getting extremely lucky with the weather, some showers in the morning and wind after everyone was safely home. Perfect !
Understandably some riders decided to not risk the impending weather and didnt travel for the clinics or competition but that didnt dampen the spirits or competitiveness of the ones who did !
The top times of the day seperated by just 0.030 seconds, WOW !
We had the blood, we had the sweat, but we just missed the tears although after a tumble after finishing im sure one rider couldve shed one or two !
As it was a low attendance it made a great opportunity to bag some points for the day and the year, as all riders were signed up members for this year and Greg racked up a huge 35 points for the day. Well done.
Mark rode away with honors in the hotly contested International Qualifying round and Anna made the long journey home with a boot full of rosettes too !
George was here snapping away and as usual the pictures can be found here
Updated hi point standings after both of these events can be found HERE
Next up is Northampton on March 6th followed by Fulbeck on the day earlier than advertised of Saturday March 19th. Bookings now open.

19/02/22 - Boston
A damp and wet training session was the order of the day in Boston (Equiclass Friskney) on Saturday 19th February. 2 decent sized groups for the mornings clinics and some fast and frantic racing in the afternoon. All riders showed some great skill and determination even though they could hardly hold the reins with such cold wet hands ! Smiles all round still though !
Ashley showed great determination and perseverance despite coming off his horse a couple of times but thankfully after crossing the finishing line so times still counted ! and no injuries !
Some riders were complete new comers but did extremely well and grasped the concept quickly and efficiently. Well done especially to Keeva, Bonnie & Tish. Ashley took home the hi-point trophy for the member with the most, accumulated points on the day. Brilliant ! Kiah rode fast and consistent throughout her runs and Isadora on little Merlin showed some very nice turns.
Dont forget to be in with a chance of being hi-point winner or even national or regional champion, you do need to join as a member and we will even back date all your previous results.
George made the trip to Boston and his images can be seen here and his special offer of all photos of yourself from the day for just £40 ! Bargain !

06/02/22 - Kensington Lodge
For the second successive show of 2022 we had amazing support and counted upwards of 15 riders in the clinics and although a few didnt stay for the afternoon show, a couple more arrived and a great competition was held. Committed riders of Sarah & Sophie were appearing in their 2nd competition in as many weeks, and as such are ahead in the standings.
A horse share between Kara & Julie didnt slow Mr Pickles who clocked the fastest barrels time of 15.947 ! Unfortunately with not being members of UKBHA they couldnt take the award, so the rosette for the fastest time went to Shane with a 16.327. Well done Shane ! Ron was as consistent as ever and ran well over the barrels and the poles. Mollie on Charlie posted some very respectable times and slotted into second place on the day with 20 Hi Points. Appearing at her first show, Kate put any nerves aside and rode Moni beautifully and made vast improvements of around 1 second per run !
It was great to see so many newcomers and we thank you once again for your amazing support.
Unfortunately George couldnt make it to this event but he will be back with us next time out with a busy Back 2 Back weekend at Boston in Lincolnshire on 19th February and back home in Fulbeck Lincolnshire on February 20th.
Message us now to reserve your space on the clinic and we will be back in Norfolk in May.
Thank you once more for supporting us and Barrel Racing in th UK. Results and times and Hi Point can be found on the tab below. Updated national Hi Point can be found clicking HERE

23/01/22 - Fulbeck
What a great attendance for the first show back ! The weather was still and grey, but that was by no means affecting the mood of our racers. So many returning riders and also fantastic to see so many first time barrel racers. The morning clinics were well attended and despite having 2 riders not make it due to lorry issues, there were 15 riders for the competition. A slow and steady start through the first class of walk/ jog was soon replaced by some fast UKBHA classes. Rachel, Leah, Edie (not Eddy - sorry), and Lilly all showed great improvement through out their first day barrel racing. Ryleigh popped up and broke his PB twice while Sophie was having a little pony issue that required Dad to guide on its way ! Mark carried on where he left off last season with some good solid times and it was great to see Susi & Greg come in tandem and put some very competitive times on the board. Jayne clocked the fastest fastest barrel time of the day with a 19.553. Current 2021 Poles Champion Sarah got off to great start and amassed 8 points and an early lead in the standings.
Ryleigh took home the Hi Point Trophy with 23 points on the day narrowly beating off the chasing pack by just 1 point.
Thank you to all that attended and braved the cold, some stunning rosettes were handed out along with a voucher for a horse physio session with thanks to our sponsor (Hot2Trot)
As always George Parish was with us taking an array of photos and they can be found here available to buy
Class times, results and points can all be found by clicking the results tab.
Next up is Norfolk on February 6th then back in Fulbeck February 20th.